#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2008, Bobby Krupczak # rdk@krupczak.org # $Id: convertwebcal.pl 53 2008-09-10 13:07:17Z rdk $ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA # # For more information, visit: # http://www.krupczak.org/ # convert webcal data file into ical output # outlook (lookout) chokes on our ics format but google reads # it fine; many many others seem to have same problem with LookOut # add DTSTAMP for each VEVENT; we use the current date/time as # the value but that slows down the program as foreach entry, # we make a call to DateTime; # added before/after filtering but need to add it to # reoccurring XXX # need to fix some outlook 2007 calendar import rulings # with respect to recurrence patterns # use Getopt::Long; use DateTime; my $result; my $verbose = 0; my $help = 0; my $datafile = ""; my $before = ""; my $after = ""; my %dowhash = ('MO',1, 'TU',2, 'WE',3, 'TH',4, 'FR',5, 'SA',6, 'SU',7); my %dowhash1 = ('1','MO', '2','TU', '3','WE', '4','TH', '5','FR', '6','SA', '7','SU'); # ------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage() { print "usage: convertwebcal.pl --help --verbose --before YYYYMMDD --after YYYYMMDD --datafile datafile\n"; exit -1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # check after < date < before, return true(1), false(0) sub checkBeforeAfter() { my ($before,$after,$date) = @_; # print STDERR "checkBeforeAfter: '$before' $date '$after'\n"; # simple case if (($before eq "") && ($after eq "")) { return 1; } if ($before ne "") { if ($date ge $before) { return 0; } } if ($after ne "") { if ($date le $after) { return 0; } } if ($verbose) { print STDERR "checkBeforeAfter: '$after' < '$date' < '$before' \n"; } # got this far then we passed test after < date < before return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # parse a calendar record line and split aprt into fields that are # returned in an associative array # # field separator is '|||' # # format of webcal data file is # index # subindex # modified # user # date - YYYMMDD or some reg expression # start time - 4 digit military time # end time - 4 digit military time # entry - the item/description # link - 0 = no link, otherwise URL # reminder - 0 for no reminder, number seconds prior to event # notes - notes sub parseCalEntry() { my ($linetoparse) = @_; my (%record) = (); ($record{"index"}, $record{"subindex"}, $record{"modified"}, $record{"user"}, $record{"date"}, $record{"start"}, $record{"end"}, $record{"entry"}, $record{"link"}, $record{"reminder"}, $record{"notes"}) = split /\|\|\|/, $linetoparse; # do any cleanup now $record{'reoccurring'} = 0; if ($record{'notes'} eq "0") { $record{'notes'} = ""; } if ($record{'start'} eq "0") { $record{'start'} = ""; } if ($record{'end'} eq "0") { $record{'end'} = ""; } # look for regular expressions in the date field # which means reoccurring items if ($record{'date'} =~ m/\*/ ) { if ($verbose) { print STDERR "Entry '$record{'entry'}' '$record{'date'}' reoccurring\n"; } $record{'reoccurring'} = 1; # split apart into fields: year,month,day,dayOfweek ($record{'year'}, $record{'month'}, $record{'day'}, $record{'dow'}) = split /,/, $record{'date'}; } # cleanup dow if present if ($record{'dow'} =~ /mon/i ) { $record{'dow'} = "MO"; } if ($record{'dow'} =~ /tue/i ) { $record{'dow'} = "TU"; } if ($record{'dow'} =~ /wed/i ) { $record{'dow'} = "WE"; } if ($record{'dow'} =~ /thu/i ) { $record{'dow'} = "TH"; } if ($record{'dow'} =~ /fri/i ) { $record{'dow'} = "FR"; } if ($record{'dow'} =~ /sat/i ) { $record{'dow'} = "SA"; } if ($record{'dow'} =~ /sun/i ) { $record{'dow'} = "SU"; } return %record; } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # get current date/time and return as a DATE-TIME sub getDtstamp() { $dt = DateTime->now; $ret = sprintf "%4d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d", $dt->year, $dt->month, $dt->day, $dt->hour, $dt->minute, $dt->second; # print STDERR "$ret\n"; return $ret; } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # given year,month,dow (e.g. SA), find the first dow of that month sub findFirstDowOfMonth() { my ($year,$month,$dow) = @_; my ($dt); # print STDERR "findFirstDowOfMonth: $year $month $dow\n"; $daynumber = $dowhash{$dow}; for ($i=1; $i<8; $i++) { # print STDERR "findFirstDowOfMonth: checking $i\n"; $dt = DateTime->new(year => $year, month => $month, day => $i); $tempdow = $dt->day_of_week; # print STDERR "findFirstDow: day $i is $tempdow\n"; if ($tempdow == $daynumber) { # print STDERR "findFirstDow: first $dow of $month/$year is $i\n"; return "0$i"; } } return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: fix repeated/reoccurring entries sub printRepeatVCAL() { my ($stamp,%record) = @_; if ($verbose) { print STDERR "Date $record{'date'} reoccurring\n"; } # dtstart is earliest we want the repeating event to occur # if no year, we start with 2003 # yearly event RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY # year and dow are wildcards if (($record{'year'} =~ /\*/) && ($record{'dow'} =~ /\*/)) { # printf STDERR "Yearly event '$record{'date'}'\n"; print "BEGIN:VEVENT\n"; print "DTSTAMP:$stamp\n"; print "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:2003$record{'month'}$record{'day'}\n"; print "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY\n"; print "SUMMARY:$record{'entry'}\n"; if ($record{'notes'} ne "") { print "DESCRIPTION:$record{'notes'}\n"; } print "UID:webcal-$record{'index'}-$record{'subindex'}:$record{'user'}\@mankato.krupczak.org\n"; print "END:VEVENT\n"; return; } # static year,month,dow,wildcard day # FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=DOW;BYMONTH=1 if (($record{'day'} =~ /\*/) && ($record{'month'} !~ /\*/) && ($record{'dow'} !~ /\*/)) { # for a monthly/weekly event, check before/after if (&checkBeforeAfter($before,$after,$record{'date'}) == 0) { return; } # print STDERR "Weekly reoccurring entry '$record{'date'}'\n"; $first = &findFirstDowOfMonth($record{'year'},$record{'month'}, $record{'dow'}); print "BEGIN:VEVENT\n"; print "DTSTAMP:$stamp\n"; if ($record{'start'} ne "") { print "DTSTART:$record{'year'}$record{'month'}$first"; print "T$record{'start'}00\n"; } else { print "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:$record{'year'}$record{'month'}$first\n"; } # put an end time if ($record{'end'} ne "") { print "DTEND:$record{'year'}$record{'month'}$first"; print "T$record{'end'}00\n"; } # print "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=$record{'dow'};BYMONTH=1\n"; print "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=$record{'dow'};COUNT=4\n"; print "SUMMARY:$record{'entry'}\n"; if ($record{'notes'} ne "") { print "DESCRIPTION:$record{'notes'}\n"; } print "UID:webcal-$record{'index'}-$record{'subindex'}:$record{'user'}\@mankato.krupczak.org\n"; print "END:VEVENT\n"; return; } # dont handle (yet) every dow for entire year (mistake) # dont handle two cases where month, day were regexp } # ------------------------------------------------------------- sub printVCAL() { my ($stamp,%record) = @_; # print STDERR "printVCAL: dtstamp is $stamp\n"; # look for reoccurring entries and skip them for right now XXX if ($record{'reoccurring'} == 1) { &printRepeatVCAL($stamp,%record); return; } if (&checkBeforeAfter($before,$after,$record{'date'}) == 0) { return; } # if entry is absent, dont bother if ($record{'entry'} eq "") { if ($verbose) { print STDERR "Null entry, skipping\n"; } return; } print "BEGIN:VEVENT\n"; print "DTSTAMP:$stamp\n"; if ($record{'start'} ne "") { print "DTSTART:$record{'date'}T$record{'start'}00\n"; } else { print "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:$record{'date'}\n"; } if ($record{'end'} ne "") { print "DTEND:$record{'date'}T$record{'end'}00\n"; } print "SUMMARY:$record{'entry'}\n"; if ($record{'notes'} ne "") { print "DESCRIPTION:$record{'notes'}\n"; } print "UID:webcal-$record{'index'}-$record{'subindex'}:$record{'user'}\@mankato.krupczak.org\n"; print "END:VEVENT\n"; } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- sub printVCALHeader() { print <<"EOVH" BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:rdk\@krupczak.org -- convertwebcal.pl generated VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH EOVH } sub printVCALTrailer() { print "END:VCALENDAR\n"; } # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------- # main program $result = GetOptions( "help" => \$help, "verbose" => \$verbose, "before=s" => \$before, "after=s" => \$after, "datafile=s" => \$datafile ); if ($help == 1) { usage(); } if ($datafile eq "") { usage(); } if ($verbose) { print STDERR "Filename is '$datafile' \n"; } my %calrecord = (); my $dtstamp = &getDtstamp(); if ($verbose) { print STDERR "Starting conversion at $dtstamp\n"; } &printVCALHeader(); # open the file open(FILE,$datafile); while ($line = ) { # get rid of newline parse line chomp($line); if ($verbose) { print STDERR "Read data line '$line'\n"; } %calrecord = &parseCalEntry($line); &printVCAL($dtstamp,%calrecord); } close FILE; &printVCALTrailer();