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"MOVE" Rouge yelled as I threw it into reverse. The Hellhound started backwards as quickly as it could. It almost wasn't fast enough. One of the missile's hit right in front of our transport, blowing debris, dirt, and flaming bits of plants all over the car. Another hit a tree behind us on the right and I watched as the trunk splintered and the tree began to fall, blocking our retreat I turned to avoid it and we went up on two wheel's, narowlly avoiding being pancaked. I looked back and found that my new trajectory would bring me to a rock . I hit the brakes. We slowed to the point where the sudden stop wasn't to violent and I threw it back into drive. I wrenched the wheel to the left and we started going off towards one of the area's they had already covered. We didn't get far as an explosion went off right next to us knocking the car off it's wheel's and onto it's left side.   
"MOVE" Rouge yelled as I threw it into reverse. The Hellhound started backwards as quickly as it could. It almost wasn't fast enough. One of the missile's hit right in front of our transport, blowing debris, dirt, and flaming bits of plants all over the car. Another hit a tree behind us on the right and I watched as the trunk splintered and the tree began to fall, blocking our retreat I turned to avoid it and we went up on two wheel's, narowlly avoiding being pancaked. I looked back and found that my new trajectory would bring me to a rock . I hit the brakes. We slowed to the point where the sudden stop wasn't to violent and I threw it back into drive. I wrenched the wheel to the left and we started going off towards one of the area's they had already covered. We didn't get far as an explosion went off right next to us knocking the car off it's wheel's and onto it's left side.   
We got out and took cover as the last few rockets hit and the heleships returned from wherever it came from.
[[Reaper's First Drop: Chapter 5]]
[[Reaper's First Drop: Chapter 5]]

Revision as of 01:34, 12 December 2009

Homepage: Reaper's First Drop

Also see: Atlantis

Previous Chapter: Reaper's First Drop: Chapter 3

The Furies hadn't come to a complete stop when I leapt from the back, Matt close behind. The invasion was coming and we were in deep trouble. I made a beeline for where I would find Harrison. I was stopped by two guards, in marine armor. I realized that there were no Marine's on the base earlier.

"I need to go in, there is an invasion coming and Harrison need's to know." I said, I needed an advil.

"Harrison has been moved out and Admiral Ford has taken command of this installation, as well as all of Japan." The Marine said

As if to make that more obvious a man stepped out of the room.His gray hair was cut in a classic military style, his face tan and weathered, with lines around his square, cleffed chin and his sharp nose. Yet despite the intimidating first-glance demeanor, on closer inspection the creases around his eyes were more a result of smiles than frowns or stress. And his face was less old, and had more of a general-outdoorsy kind of look to it that bespoke leading by example. This theory was strengthened by a body that knew no fat and never had. Under the dark blue Navy-reg suit, his chest was rock-hard, with defined muscles that rippled as he moved. I correctly guessed his age somewhere North of 50.

"Hello, I'm Admiral Ford." He said extending his hand.

"Major Jamie Campbell, Leader of the Death Angels, my team and me are returning from a mission to capture a Korean Captain. We were sucessfull and the rest of my squad, I have vital Intel you need to hear." I said shaking his hand.

"Then speak up soldier."

"There is a large force of Northern Federation troops and boats filling the Yellow Sea. They are ammassing an army and I beleive the plan to overrun Japan and push us into the sea." I replied. His eyes widened, the only sign that he was suprised.

"Then we will have to step up my plan's, get your team some food and rest. I need you to lead a strike force into Korea. Hopefully it will get their attention off of us for awhile while we prepare.

We sped over the ocean at a pretty good clip. I sat in the hatch of a C170 with my team, five similar planes flew behind us with the newly promoted 1SG Evans from Mongolia, now the head of an international strike force. The plan was to drop into Korea and hit a NF outpost, and hold it until back up arrived.

The light flashed and Echo stood up and checked their weapon's. After our pre-fight check we pulling our gear from the hatches around us and strapped ourselves in our ride. A specially outfitted HMMV Hellhound. It was designed for durability and outfitted for a special reason. Dropping out of planes. The light turned green and the back bay opened up. Only about 50 yards above the ground, the tree's flashed under us. The plane tipped upwards and the locks on the tires snapped open. Only second's before we left the plane did we see our target. A wide road winding through the jungle.

"This is the part that isn't fun." Daniel said as we left the plane.

The fall was pretty quick before we hit the ground. The cushins under us slowed the vehicle down, but we weren't so lucky. I pushed the button on the dashboard the locks on the landing platform clicked open. Matt pulled us off and waited for Evans to unload his crew. Five similar vehicles landed and we were off.

"We are about 20 clicks from this outpost. I want to stop about 10 clicks from it and unload." I said over the engine as Matt drove. He nodded the affirmative and I looked out the windshield.

"Not good." I said pulling myself up into the gunner's seat."Fed check point up ahead."

I pulled the charging handle back and aimed at said check point. There was a 2 small buildings, one was a square, about the size of a small house with a manned 50 cal on the roof, on the other side of the street from it was another building, this one a tower. I guessed 15 guards top, as well as the Scorpian that was just stopping ahead of us. Two other's sat parked on the other side of the gate.

"Fire." I shouted to the Reg's. All 6 gun's opened up suprising the men at the checkpoint. The man beside the Scorpian took a few rounds and fell to the concrete. I personally made sure the gunner on the building went down before he could do any damage. One of the guards made it to the building, while the rest that were outside dropped like rocks. Evan's accelerated his vehicle and rammed the Scorpian pushing it into the tower. The side of the transport melding with the steel support.

"Rouge you go in, I'll go over." I said pulling my up onto the top of the Hellhound. He smiled and pulled us to a stop right in front of the house. I used the momentum to throw myself at the building. I grabbed the roof and slammed into the side expelling the air from my lungs. I pulled myself up onto the roof, ignoring the twinge in my chest from the lack of oxygen.

Matt and Daniel dropped out of the Hellhound and formed outside the door. I signaled them and they nodded before kicking in the door and firing into the room. Matt pulled two smoke grenades and tossed them in. They pushed themselves into the wall to avoid the bullets coming from the inhabitants of the building. I walked over and found a hatch on the roof. I slammed my foot into the door and backed up to make sure no one was waiting for me. Nothing. Whoever was inside was more worried about the enemies out front than the hatch on the roof falling in. I jumped through the hole and found myself in a badly lit room. My FOF flashed showing 4 contacts. I opened fire and raked the men hiding behind the wall aiming at the front door. The first one went down spurting blood while the second caught a few rounds to the stomach. I looked right to find the last two Koreans aiming right for my head. Rouges bulky form appeared in the doorway and fired two shot's of three rounds each. Putting the men down.

"Saved your sorry butt." Rouge said."That's like what 7 to 3."

"No, it's 6 to 5. That time in Alabama doesn't count, and your forgetting the time you set the detonator wrong and only set 30 second's instead of 30 minutes." I said reloading and heading out the door.

"Oh yeah."

Outside I found the SpecOps team had pushed the wrecked Scorpian out of the way and were waiting for us. A young soldier, from Mexico I think, ran up holding a radio. It looked worse for the wear but I could hear a few garbled words everynow and then.

"I think they got a message off before we killed them all." Evan's said walking up next to me.

"Then what are we waiting for, mount up and lets get out of here." I said sliding into the Hellhound starting her up.

"Wolf, Fed Helegunship inbound." Frost said.

"Split up and head for the wood's." I said pulling off the road and driving in between some tree's before bringing it to a halt and watching the outpost. Five Fed ships pulled to a stop not far from us. They sat there for a minute, hovering overhead. Sudddenly the lead one fired a missile into the checkpoint, blowing the building to bit's. It did the same thing with the tower before they all started turning and firing randomly into the forrest. Whoever gave that order didn't want us getting far. I was pulled from my musing by an explosion not far from our location. I noticed one of the Heleships turning towards our hiding place.

"MOVE" Rouge yelled as I threw it into reverse. The Hellhound started backwards as quickly as it could. It almost wasn't fast enough. One of the missile's hit right in front of our transport, blowing debris, dirt, and flaming bits of plants all over the car. Another hit a tree behind us on the right and I watched as the trunk splintered and the tree began to fall, blocking our retreat I turned to avoid it and we went up on two wheel's, narowlly avoiding being pancaked. I looked back and found that my new trajectory would bring me to a rock . I hit the brakes. We slowed to the point where the sudden stop wasn't to violent and I threw it back into drive. I wrenched the wheel to the left and we started going off towards one of the area's they had already covered. We didn't get far as an explosion went off right next to us knocking the car off it's wheel's and onto it's left side.

We got out and took cover as the last few rockets hit and the heleships returned from wherever it came from.

Reaper's First Drop: Chapter 5