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Written by: Brandon Krupczak
Illustrated and revised by: Will Anderson
Reroute: [[Atlantis]]
(Brandon) Welcome, welcome one and all, to the great, ATLANTIS FAN PAGE!!!!!!!!!! Yay!
Here, you, thats right, you, Atlantis fans, can post comments, questions, concerns, ideas, encouragement (to the writer, me!) or pretty much anything dang else you want to related to Atlantis (if you have a Krupczak.org account).
So, to start out, I'd like to say a few things:
I've always dreamed about making a story...
OK, not really, but I just got this inspiration one day, and I got some paper and started to write!
It's been so much fun so far, especially because of the help from my friend Will Anderson. He's a master writer with a sometimes-too-big-and-annoying vocabulary, and my writing benefits so much from his helpful critiquing.
The worst part about writing my story has been the revising. I never liked to revise, but obviously it is necessary. My original piece went from battle to battle with no stop, and had hardly any story behind it. In addition, it was so short I gave it to Will to read in the car on a ten minute drive and he finished it.
I'm changing that by retyping it on the computer, adding some much-needed chapters of boring story.
The best part has been the encouragement from almost everybody I know, and the wonderful feeling when someone actually complements your work. It's a new feeling for me, and I hope I can get a lot more of it.
My story is basically about an 18 year old boy named Tom, on the extraordinary archipelago of Atlantis (If you'll notice, my Atlantis is actually three separate islands). Here he is faced with many challenging enemies, confusing puzzles, and the fact that all of the U.S.A. based men look to him for commands. He is the supreme commander, along with his friends Matt, Holly, and Scarlett. The four usually don't see much of each other, but when they are together, they are unstoppable.
Each of the four have taken a liking to a special kind of psi ability. For instance, Tom prefers to use telekinesis over other psi powers. Matt utilizes pyro-kenesis (control of fire), and so does Scarlett. Holly chooses geo-kinesis over the others (control of earth). Their chosen preferences they have the best control over, but they can still use others, like hydro-kenesis (water), Aero-kenesis (air), electro-kenesis (electricity), and many others.
I hope you all know your Dinosaurs! My story's got tons of them. From little chicken sized compsothagnuthus (compy) scavengers, to huge, heavy, and bulky Diplodicus herbivores, and everything in between.
The problem with writing or typing, I have found, is that while it takes a good amount of time to type or write, mostly write, a paragraph or sentence, it takes almost no time to read it. Because of this, the reader has a different view of the time passing than you do. This flaw has presented itself to me many times, and it is so frustrating I just want to scream. But I continue on (lol) even so.
Now, if someone could invent a way of putting words down by mere thought, then I would be all set, as would (I imagine) every other author who wants to earn at least two bucks off their work.
In addition to me, you might see Will type in some random messages here for you as well. Don't count on it though.
On this page, I'll keep you updated with all the latest news, happenings, and going-ons related to Atlantis (feel free to scream with joy).
So, for our first actual announcement, the story so far is posted on this very website. You can get to it simply by typing 'Atlantis' into the search box, just as you typed in 'Atlantian fans' to get here. Way to go on your part people!
So, for our second announcement, we (Will and I) are working on a map of Atlantis, to better show you, the readers, what we mean when we say "Atlantis." As soon as my dad tells me a way to scan it onto this site, you can be sure it'll be up here faster than the speed of light. Well, okay, maybe the speed of digital cables, but still, you get my point.
It has also come to my attention that some have asked where I get the inspiration for my writing. My answer: Virtually every movie and book and video game I have read, watched or played in my life have all contributed to the story. However, the main contributors are books, the main books being James Patterson's MAXIMUM RIDE and virtually all of Anthony Horowitz's books for young adults. From Horowitz, I get the names. I've never been good at coming up with names, and so as you'll find in the book, I took the names Tom, Matt, and Scarlett as main characters from his works. Dr. Shang is a result of Will's and I's combined thought, and Dr. Stephens is my own with Stephen Borelli as  my chance to not come up with anything strenuous. From Patterson, I get the style of writing (sort of, I really try to incorporate his style into mine). Patterson also does awesome hand-to-hand action, which I can do, just not as well. Thanks you guys!
(Will typing now) Just to prove you wrong, I am editing this page. Hi everyone!! This is Will, the editor, sort of what you might call co- writer, illustrator, and partner of Brandon (the main author). Just one thing: you may not realize how much work goes into the story. Example: the story that you read on the 'Atlantis' page is little more than half of the work that we've done. You see, we already have the whole plot planned out for the first book, a lot of the second book, and most of the third book (there are three books). Beyond that, we think of everything on our 'Atlantis' discussion page (which you can't access unless you have an account, simply because we don't want to spoil anything). We always discuss highly advanced military vehicles, weapons, bases, and all sorts of technology, the reason behind the mystery of Atlantis (that will only be explained later in one of the books), and everything else that you might ever want to know about Atlantis. I draw lots of scenes from the books, and Brandon and I discuss ''everything''. Note to Brandon: find some way to enable people to add comments and questions, etc. to this page but not be able to edit the previous text. Once you may or may not do that, a message to the fans: ''please'' check to see if your question has been asked before so that we don't get the same questions a million times (there isn't much of a chance of you obliging, but hey, it's worth a try :]). Anyway, I hope you keep up with this page! Thanks so much!
P.S. from now on, i will  be (w) in the little parentheses thing and Brandon will be (b). He might do that, might not.
(w) sorry. i forgot to add: Brandon is such an amazing author that i find myself dumbfounded at times. He writes completely awe-inspiring action, and he says that he absolutely stinks at writing plot and stuff that doesn't include action. And that was true in the beginning, when I had to write and edit completely all of the descriptions of stuff and description scenes. But now, I find myself editing very little, which is sad because I love to write, but at the same time Brandon is becoming a total all- around author.
(w)An announcement!! As soon as Brandon's dad finds him a scanner to use, all of my illustrations will be posted on this site!
(b) why thank you Will, that was flattering. Now down to the meat: just in case I haven't said it a thousand times: the actual Atlantis story is on this same website! Again, just type 'Atlantis' into the box that you typed in 'Atlantian fans' to get here. If i've said it a thousand times already, that was 1000 and 1. Next dish: Hopefully I'll get a scanner for christmas. yes, that's right, all of you will be asking for cool toys like an X-Box 360 or X-b ox elite or whatever, and I get a scanner! Yay! lol. Yep, that's pretty much the life of a geek. Well, that's it for this entry (Gets back to work on making the book).
(b)Hello everyone,
Just wanted to let you know,
Oh, and Will, he can only scan the stuff I have, so, I need more artwork!
(b) hello people, check out the new Atlantis webpage! Ye-ah! :)
(w) Brandon, the only reason that you aren't getting an X-Box 360 or an X-b ox elite or whatever you made up, is because you already have a PS3, PS2, and regular Play Station, plus you have a DS. Anyway, just had to chime in there.
(b) ok first off to set you straight, the X-Box 360 Elite is a real thing, I didn't make it up! Second, I have a PS3 that has no games, a PS2 that is practically in shambles, '''no regular Play station!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''' and My brother 'owns' the DS, and won't let me come within a mile of it. ''Just had to chime in there''
(w)oooooooooooooooohhhhhh i just got pwned. hunker down (lol)
(b) hey ya'll, you might of heard (probably not) that we will soon be transferring to a blog instead of this wiki (which is ssssoooooo much better except for the fact that none of you can actually edit the page!). The blog will feature a comment system which allows you to actually post comments to us! FOR FREE! yay!
Rest assured, we will give you the URL after making the change.
Oh yeah, one more thing, check out the new update I just wrote on the book. At the end of course.
(w) also about the videogame thing, you consider having a PS3 that has Resistance Fall of Man and u r getting Call of Duty 4 four Christmas "a PS3 that has no games"! plus, you consider an awesome PS2 with a bunch of war games and lots of variety and James Bond games that maybe has lost like an account or something on like 2 of the games "a PS2 practically in shambles"?! also, i know that u don't have a regular play station, just forgot. yes, i can picture your brother not letting you within a mile of the DS; he's obnoxious sometimes like that. but aren't all little brothers?
(b) okay, I just ''have'' to retaliate there: the PS2 is actually practically in shambles because the controllers are 'really, really'' spastic, and they don't work. Now, down to the actual announcement, the page Atlantis is only a teaser as of now. To get to the real story, all you have to do is click on these shiny links to the pages or type in "Atlantis: chapter _" and instead of a _ where the chapter number is supposed to be type in the chapter number.
(w) okay, in this special Christmas update, I'm going to inform you all on some new stuff (details and such, but no story spoilers). here we go:
1. the U.S. and Great Britain forces fighting on Atlantis will have a system called ARMPS. This stands for "Assault Recon Multi-Purpose System". The soldiers, when they are calling in for an ARMPS unit or any other time they are referring to it, they call it the "armpits". What it is, is it's an assault recon motorbike (ARM), the type of motorcycle i can't remember (this is on my dad's computer), and it has chain guns, missile launchers, oil slick and such (once again i can't remember everything because it's on my dad's computer). It can be fitted with parts to have it be converted into a snowmobile with all of that except for oil slick plus flamethrowers, and it can be converted to a heavy assault recon thingie (i still can't remember it all :0).
2. Tom will have a nemesis/ rival and they will have two epic fights. i will tell you nothing else, so stay tuned and read the story!!!
[[Atlantis: chapter 1]]
[[Atlantis: chapter 2]]
[[Atlantis: chapter 3]]
[[Atlantis: chapter 4]]
[[Atlantis: chapter 5]]
[[Atlantis: chapter 6]]
[[Atlantis: chapter 7]]
(brandon) Hey guys! I got some bad news and some good news. For all you pessimists out there, bad news first:
This sight won't be moved to a blog anytime soon because I don't know how to make one and legally I cant for another year and a half. Sucks I know but oh well.
Now, good news: one of the chapters (I'm not telling which one yet) will be updated with the help of a guest (Exciting isn't it!?) that I know through 1st grade. She actually happens to be one of my very best friends ;) (Wink wink, nod nod, cough cough). Anyways, her name is Elizabeth, Lizard or Lizzy for short. She'll be helping out a little, but I don't know the time tables yet so you's gotta hang on tight and wait for it! I'll post another entry when we do update that little snip it.
(brandon) Been a long time since the last post. Hmm. Oh well. I don't know how many people actually read these tid bits, but whatever. Spread the word people. Tell everyone about www.krupczak.org/index.php/Atlantis
(Brandon) Okay, I gotta update this thing. For where I get my inspiration, mainly books. The major thing with the whole psi-powers thing comes partly from a cartoon (Stupid I know) called Avatar; the last airbender and partly from a video game called "Psi-Ops", which is a great game by the way. The whole Dinosaur thing comes mainly from Michael Crighton's "Jurassic Park" and "The Lost World", the sequel to "Jurassic Park". Names, again, come sort of now from Horowitz and now mainly from Will and I's combined effort (we've gotten a lot less lazy with names over the course of this book.) of Will and me. James Patterson is still one of my main and general inspiration sites, and I'd really suggest reading his books. Now, Tom's new personality traits
'''This page has been created as a source of information for my readers. Please do not post any non-Atlantis related subjects on this page.'''

Latest revision as of 20:59, 22 March 2009

Sorry, this page is outdated and is no longer in use.

Reroute: Atlantis

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