Sysadmin Notes

Revision as of 21:07, 1 July 2008 by Rdk (Talk | contribs)

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Notes on system administration gotchas, snafus, etc.

Fun with Dovecot IMAP, Postfix, Squirrel Mail, Apache, etc.

I recently lost a disk and paid to have it recovered. When I re-loaded my home directory, some of my file permissions got mangled.

When I tried to log into my Webmail facility, I received the following error message:

ERROR: Could not complete request.
Query: LSUB "" "*"
Reason Given: Permission denied

Fixing this problem involved finding all the Dovecot files in my home directory and changing the onwership and group back to my user rather than root.

Look for .subscriptions and .imap in your Mail directory (or mail) and check the ownership and permissions.

Fun with Java Keystores: How to import a private key and cert into a Java Keystore

I use SSL outside of Java for many things including Web servers, LDAP, SSL programming, etc. Consequently, most of my systems already have private keys and x509 certs. Java's keytool program it nearly impossible (as far as I can tell) to import pre-existing keys and certs into an existing or new keystore.

I came across this web page that describes out to do so. I summarize here just in case this web page goes away. We assume the private key is in key.pem and the cert is in cert.pem (both are in PEM format).

  1. Convert the key and cert from PEM format to DER format using openssl command
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in key.pem -inform PEM -out key.der -outform DER
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -inform PEM -out cert.der -outform DER
  1. Use the class to take the key and cert and place it in a newly constructed JKS keystore. I modified the ImportKey java source to use the keystore password changeit and to use the key alias importkey and to save the resulting keystore in the file jetty.keystore
java ImportKey key.der cert.der
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