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Book One: Atlantis Rising

Written by Brandon Krupczak

Phoenix Rising: Chapter 1 Phoenix Rising: Chapter 11
Phoenix Rising: Chapter 2 Phoenix Rising: Chapter 12
Phoenix Rising: Chapter 3
Phoenix Rising: Chapter 4
Phoenix Rising: Chapter 5
Phoenix Rising: Chapter 6
Phoenix Rising: Chapter 7
Phoenix Rising: Chapter 8
Phoenix Rising: Chapter 9
Phoenix Rising: Chapter 10

Hello people reading this! You may have accidentally stumbled upon a book that is under way currently. The book is basically about World War Three, in a world where there are eight continents. The eighth is Atlantis, which surfaces in December of 2012. Maybe the Mayan calendar wasn't counting down to this day, but counting up to the day when Atlantis would rise above the oceans once more, supposedly.

Below is a random chapter from the book that I display here on the front page. The link above brings you to the page that the chapter is actually housed at. If you scroll down to the very bottom, you'll find my work in progress section, where I write the next section/chapter of the book. Because I start writing completely fresh chapters, the work in progress section might end in a fragment of thought, or there might not be anything displayed there.

Please also note that none of my writing here is completed and I go back numerous times to a piece to improve it. The chapter below will be changed multiple times and improved upon, so if you read it now you might wanna check back every now and again to see if I changed anything.

Also, please note that any writing I do here is written to entertain, and therefore the story has to fit in with itself, so please excuse any religious or opinionated writing I have here and do not take it into offense. Please don't copy my work. It's not nice.

Also check out my friend Jamie Knox's writing here:

Reaper's First Drop

Atlantis Teaser

"Soldiers, you will be deployed via fast-rope. You will rappel down to the ground and await the indicator in your HUD before beginning. As soon as you see the signal, you may begin. Good luck, recruits. Up first: Echo Squad! Squad Leader, make sure your squad's gear checks out."

The DS gestured to Matt, and all of them went and gave one another triple buddy checks.

"Ready when you are, Frost!" Holly yelled over their Team comm.

"Roger that, Aura." Matt yelled back. Each of them had callsigns. His was Frost. Jamie's was Scorch. Scar was Flare. Malcolm was Spark. Holly was Aura. "Alright. Squad, move out! Go, go, go!" Matt barked.

Scar attached her rappel harness to the line and jumped out the side, one hand on the rope above her, and the other below and slightly behind her butt, the "brake" hand that controlled how fast the line went. Malcolm followed, then Jamie, then Holly. Matt was the last one out, as befitting his status of Squad Leader.

Scar landed, disengaged her harness, and let it drop to the forest floor. A crew would come later and get it.

Soon the entire squad was on the ground, and Matt quickly led the squad under cover of the trees. As soon as the V-22 Osprey was out of sight, they doubled back and went after the bird. They kept the lines from the rappel - there was always a use for thirty feet of tough nylon.

The countdown timer in Matt's HUD read D + 15:07 when Matt raised his fist, the sign to halt. With slow, exaggerated sign language, he indicated for the team to spread out and climb the trees. Jamie went with Matt in one tree. Scar went by herself, and Malcolm and Holly shared a third.

"Frost, requesting permission to re-format to a sniper?" Scar whispered over the Teamcomm.

"Roger that, Flare. Permission granted. Scorch, outfit yours with the AR. Aura, you're our grenadier. Get the XM320 on there." The XM320 was a single-shot 40mm grenade launcher that could be attached to their carbines. Matt put one on his. Malcolm preferred a straight-up assault rifle.

Beside Matt, almost completely invisible in the heavy jungle shadow, Jamie lay prone along two branches, with his AR balanced on a third branch with a clear line-of-sight to the ground.

Matt slid down from the tree. "Spark, get down here and help me create a barricade. We need to push any incoming squads into one firing lane. Scorch, Flare, give me a dot." In response, Malcolm slid from his tree, and both Scar and Jamie highlighted the firing lane that they had access to with red laser-dots. Matt took armfuls of brambles and thin, thorned vines and dumped them to the left and right of the lane, in between the trees, to create a natural-looking wall that would influence the squads to find an easier way through. Right through their lane of fire.

Matt strung triplines further out into the jungle with the Nylon cables, attaching them to frag grenades.

Matt's countdown ended. "Alright people, we can now shoot at and be shot. Let's wrap this up." Malcolm laid the last armful of brambles in place, and then they both scampered up into their separate trees. There were five other squads in this particular mission, all within a square mile. It wouldn't be long before they had some hits.

Five minutes passed, and no one came. The squad was getting impatient. "Spark," Matt whispered. "Be the rabbit. I need you to go along the lane and see if you can draw some fire, then sprint back here. We'll cover your approach. I'd do it myself but I'm not fast enough."

"Roger that, lead." Malcolm said, grinning. "I've always been one for the suicidal frontal charge." He slid down his tree, landing in the brush below. Before he had even gone two minutes, the sound of gunfire erupted through the forest. "Frost, I've got multiple targets here. They've got me pinned, I could use some assistance!"

Matt looked to Holly. She nodded, slid down, and circled around to the right to counter-flank the guys surrounding Malcolm. "Spark, help is on the way. How long can you hold?"

"I've got good cover, I'm inside a shallow cave-thing in the ground. I can hold out a while."

"Roger that. Keep your head down, but keep the attention centered on you. And watch out, they'll try to advance. Watch your flanks."

"You got it, Frost." Malcolm said, and tossed a grenade out the opening of the cave. It exploded, and Malcolm heard someone groan. "Yeah, bring it!" He shouted.

Holly took up a firing position, sighted through her scope, and tagged a soldier in the back of his head. He dropped like a load of rocks, asleep by the time he hit the ground. Return fire peppered the rock she had been hiding behind, and two soldiers broke off to get her. But Holly wasn't there anymore.

A soldier fell as rounds tore into his inner thigh. He dropped to the ground, not out yet but with a crippled leg. He hobbled behind a piece of cover as Holly filled the air with bullets around the second soldier. A grenade rolled to a stop next to her, and at this she turned and fled back the way she had come, then darted back, and got the attention of the two remaining soldiers pinning Malcolm.

At the momentary distraction, Malcolm bolted out of the hole, sprinted from rock to tree, from tree to bush, from bush to ground, and drew the soldiers down through the firing lane, followed a second later by Holly. Jamie adjusted his grip on the AR as the two squadmates ran down the path. 30 seconds later, the first soldier popped into view. Jamie waited until the last soldier appeared, then nailed the one closest to any viable cover.

The steady thrum of the AR set Matt's head pounding, and he opened fire on the last one in the line. Then Scar fired, and a round slugged the first soldier in the chest.

Jamie's target fell from hits to the leg, side, and shoulder. He wasn't quite gone, but almost. Jamie finished him off with another quick, sustained burst.

Matt's soldier dropped to the ground, out for the count with five rounds in his chest and more in his left arm.

Scar's target took the heavy caliber bullet in the chest and sat down with the force, hard, landing on his butt and jarring his head. Before he could recover, Scar punched another round into his chest. He spun halfway around and ate dirt.

Four down. The last soldier turned to flee, but Holly popped out of the shadows and nailed him with a grenade from her XM320, which cast training rounds into a wide arc everywhere, painting the nearby forest a vivid crimson.

"Alright!" Jamie crowed.

Matt disengaged his spent clip and slapped a new one in. "Let's hope the other squads come running for the noise. One down, three to go, gentlemen."

The next squad was slightly smarter. Instead of running pel-mel into the contested area, they sent one scout on ahead through the firing lane, and the rest hung back and encircled the target area. Too bad for them, Matt's squad had moved from the one killing field and into another close-by clearing, where they could easily spot the would-be flanking attack.

"Open fire!" Matt yelled, and the two soldiers in sight twisted around, trying to find the source of the noise. One was slugged by a heavy cal. sniper shot, and the other fell to the combined fire from Jamie's AR and Matt's carbine.

Holly and Malcolm, still on the ground, rose out of a cover of leaves and dead brush and moved around behind the three soldiers left that came running. Standing up, they nailed two with one salvo of fire.

The last one hit the dirt and rolled under a log. Holly and Malcolm pursued.

"Negative! Disengage!" Jamie yelled, and opened fire into the brush to their left.

Holly hit dirt. Malcolm followed half a second later with three rounds stitched across his back. He wasn't out yet, but his entire suit was getting quickly more rigid.

He turned onto his back and fired in the general direction of where the shots had come from. Holly sidled around to him and took out a fake med-pack, wiping clean the Training Rounds and administering an electric shock through the armor. Malcolm's suit unstraightened a little, and Malcolm crawled back into better cover.

Jamie was still firing bursts from his AR at the last squad. Matt held his fire; there was no clear target in view, and to give away his position would be stupid. Scar attached a flash suppressor to her rifle, and started shelling the squad's general position.

"Watch flankers." Matt advised, seeing shadows moving behind her. Scar turned and nailed one soldier who had tried to flank her, and Matt caught another with a grenade.

Matt slid to the ground as Jamie covered him, landed, and ran in a half-crouch to Holly. He saw a rifle barrel poke out of a bush, saw a blast coming their way, and tackled Holly to the ground. The burst nailed him in the calf and he rolled up into a crouch.

Matt rolled off and came up firing. Jamie suppressed the soldier that had just shot at them while Matt took him out, Holly and Malcolm covering his flank.

Then Scar took multiple sustained bursts from the last soldier from the other squad, and toppled from the tree. She was out cold. Fury ignited in Matt. Toppling her from the tree was not necessary, and she could have injured herself. He and Holly outflanked the soldier and drilled him to the ground with long automatic fire.

They split and threw themselves behind rocks, Matt reloading as he went. There were two left on the other team and three left on his; Malcolm had been drilled again in his helmet.

Jamie's AR barked again and again. With his suppressive fire, Matt darted from cover to cover and distracted the two soldiers long enough for Holly to creep around and take the first one out. The last soldier sprayed fire everywhere, panicking, and continued even as Matt, Jamie, and Holly's combined fire drilled him into the ground.

The DS broke through their comm. lines, "Cease fire. Echo team, you have won the mission. We will collect you shortly. Hold position."

"Roger that." Matt responded. "Alright, lady and gentleman. We won!"

The survivors of Echo Team gazed around at all the unconscious forms before them. They may as well have been dead. It was only now that Matt got the first hint of what a war could really be like. He would have to do better, make sure none of his crew got hurt, ever. This was one simple mission, and two of his own had gone. What would have happened had they been live rounds? Scar and Malcolm, dead, blink of an eye, without ever seeing their attackers. What was this going to come to?

This was war.

Work In Progress Chapter 13

1242 Hours, March 20, 2015 (Military Calendar), Atlantian Outpost Alpha, Central-East sector Atlantian Jungle, Atlantis Mainland

"Koalski. Status report." Matt groaned, resting his head against the wooden cage.

They were suspended forty feet in the air, in a kind of crow's nest cage bolted to a tree. The cage was completely camouflaged and almost invisible from the ground, which was good, considering the amount of bloodthirsty dinosaurs that roamed the jungle. On the other hand, nothing was getting in or out of the Atlantian camp. It was almost magic.

Jamie and Matt had already been treated to several renditions of Atlantian jungle combat. Their tactical approach varied according to what kind of dinosaur or other creature was intruding, and the two Americans had seen anti-Ceratosaurus, anti-Leaper (the Atlantian's name for the tree-climbing creature), and anti-Raptor scenarios, as well as Atlantians taking general pot-shots with either silenced rifles, bows, or melee against the few Microraptors and Compys that wandered through the Atlantian's neck of the wood.

Everything was carried out crisply, flawlessly, and efficiently. Matt had watched with rapt attention as a lone Leaper had near-silently slithered into a hundred-yard range of the Atlantian camp. This broke an invisible line, and three Atlantians' heads inside a regular platform, elevated 20 feet, snapped up and whispered quietly into mics. When the Leaper closed to twenty yards, still oblivious to the Atlantians, a double wall of thick chain mesh fell from the trees, isolating the Leaper.

The bloodthirsty dinosaur didn't look quite so intimidating when an Atlantian high in a tree above it dropped a flaming cast-iron ball filled with the Atlantian version of Napalm on it. Once the thing had stopped writhing, four Atlantians descended on woven straps from the canopy. One of them motioned, and two others sighted down their rifles and drilled three shots each into the Leaper's skull.

For the Ceratosaurs, a completely different approach was taken. The two twenty-foot, green-and-brown clad, semi-armored hunter-scavengers weren't allowed anywhere close to the camp. Three Atlantian pairs ran out on tree limbs above the ground. Each pair loaded what looked like a primitive double-barreled bazooka with napalm shells and lit the two dinos up. A blistering inferno claimed the first immediately, but the second managed by a combination of luck and good reflexes to avoid several of the incendiary explosives and was immediately dropped by a large, turret-mounted cannon in the center of the camp. That had left Matt's ears ringing for the better part of an hour.

The operations were undertaken with the utmost care and efficiency, true, but the Atlantian fireteams seemed only mildly anxious at facing down even the twenty-foot monsters. Raptors, on the other hand, captured the Atlantian's full attention.

A pack of the six-foot, bipedal dinos had materialized without warning at the edge of the Atlantian camp. They drew no closer than eighty meters, as if they knew about the Atlantian base within and weren't eager to cross them. However, the creatures also seemed to be deliberately bating the Atlantians, coming twenty yards in. Three of them stood in the open, just before the area where one of the layered chain-mesh walls was deployed, heads cocked, and legs partially bent. After watching them for a while, with his high vantage point, Matt spotted three more Raptors, hunched down in the ferns and shrubbery, invisible at ground level. Smart dinos.

In response, the cannon warmed up and pivoted around to track the lead Raptor. Gatling guns rotated up as well, breaking the silence of the moment. No troops were deployed lower than fifteen feet off the ground, but higher than that and the branches were lined with Atlantian commandos, each holding a rifle or a 7-barreled volley gun. The two sides had stared eachother down, until Matt got up, stuck his hand out of the bars of the cage, and whistled, yelling at the Raptors.

The lead cocked its head in question, gave a short, barking response, and turned into the jungle. The other Raptors followed its lead. Matt grinned and withdrew his hand as an arrow sprouted from the roof of his cell.

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